The official parking areas of the airport

Buy your parking now
Why you should choose our services
Palermo airport offers a wide range of car parks to meet the most varied needs of passengers.
Choose the cheapest, fastest or simply the most suitable solution for your travel needs.
Payment methods
At the Automatic Cashiers
(in cash or credit card) located at the Arrivals and inside the Parking
At the 24h Pay Desk
(cash, debit card, credit card) located in the Car Valet area.
Help Desk
available at the Car Valet area infoline: [email protected]
Other services
Car Valet
Dedicated to business users, this parking is guarded and assisted by a dedicated H24 operator. It consists of taking over and returning the car at the planned time and day, with the possibility of booking a parking space. The 190 parking area is guarded, covered and under video surveillance. Possibility to request additional services for the car, if available and charged separately. Tariff concessions and benefits for Quick Membership Card holders. For info on tariffs please call +39
Kiss And Fly - Short Stay
Free parking area for passengers getting on and off the vehicles, within the time limit of 15 min., along the whole airport both at the arrival side (ground floor) and at the departure side (first floor). It is a ZTC (Controlled Traffic Zone) whose accesses are controlled by electronic transit detection systems, which record the entry and exit times and the vehicle number plate. After 15 minutes of stay in the area, the vehicle will be sanctioned.
Parcheggio PRM
Di fronte il Terminal, ai passeggeri disabili (purché muniti di apposito contrassegno da esporre in auto in originale) è riservato un adeguato numero di posti auto gratuiti (stalli H) in area dedicata all’esterno del parcheggio auto, con accesso dalla ZTC (vedi Mappa), serviti da apposito sistema di segnalazione/comunicazione con la Sala Assistenze Speciali ( vedi procedura in “linguaggio facile”).